Beatty Cohan, MSW, LCSW, AASECT
Beatty, an only child, was born in Winnipeg, Canada to Maurice and Edith Sair. She received her Bachelor of Arts degree from the University of Manitoba and her Master’s of Clinical Social Work degree (M.S.W.) from McGill University in Montreal, Canada. She also completed a 3-year post-graduate program in marriage and family therapy and sexual dysfunction from the Montreal Jewish General Hospital’s Institute of Family Psychiatry.
Beatty began her career as a School Social Worker in the Montreal School System. She later became one of its Directors. Beatty worked in the areas of Social Planning and Social Policy for the Toronto Jewish Federation and later became the Executive Director of Calgary’s Jewish Family Service Agency.
Since moving to the United States, Beatty has been in private practice in Providence, Rhode Island, Sarasota, Florida, New York City and East Hampton, where she treats adults and children of all ages and stages in life whose problems include: depression, anxiety, early childhood sexual abuse, addictions of every kind and relationship and sexual problems.
In 1999 Beatty conducted research with 450 men and women in the Providence, Boston and Connecticut areas. Through her research findings, she developed a 10-step formula, already successfully used by thousands of men and women around the world, which teaches you how to assess who’s right or wrong for you BEFORE committing to any serious relationship. The research culminated in her ground-breaking book- For Better for Worse Forever: Discover the Path to Lasting Love and to the beginning of her local and national radio and television media career.
She has been an expert guest in national television and radio for over 25 years and continues to offer her unique charismatic brand of positive energy and psychological analysis and commentary-bypassing the usual trite psycho-babble and often politically correct blandness that dominates the mass media. Her diversity of talents and expertise ranges from hard news story analysis and commentary to celebrity relationships.
Beatty has made regular expert guest appearances on FOX (Gretchen Carlson, Neil Cavuto, Gerri Willis), CBS, ARISE, EXTRA, Inside Edition, Geraldo and on many other local and national radio and television shows. Since 2013, she has been the host of her own radio show, ASK BEATTY, which airs live every Monday afternoon from 3-4 p.m. on the Progressive Radio Network. (Listen to the "ASK BEATTY" Archives). She was an expert guest on the Daily Show talking about why Medicare should continue to spend millions of dollars for penis pumps for men experiencing erectile dysfunction. She was also a recently featured relationship expert for an article on the Daily Mail UK's website: Are YOU dating an emotional manipulator? Relationship experts reveal six warning signs that prove your relationship is toxic - and will only lead to heartbreak
Beatty has been a speaker for the NCAA where she has given relationship workshops to student athletes. One of her most popular workshops is Rate Your Mate BEFORE It's Too Late--Never Make a Mistake in Love Again, based on her ground-breaking book, For Better, For Worse, Forever: Discover the Path to Lasting Love (1999, 3rd. ed. 2008). Her relationship/education workshops have been endorsed by football and basketball coaching greats and sports personalities including Tom Osborne, Jim Boehem, Steve Spurrier and Dick Vitale, who realize the importance of being a 'star' both off and on the playing field.
She is also a speaker for the Elite Speaker's Bureau (www.theelitespeakersbureau.com/beatty-cohan.html), founded by Denise Brown -- Nicole Brown Simpson's sister. Her Stop Domestic Violence BEFORE It Starts keynotes and workshops have educated and empowered women to help keep them safe. Her 10-step, fail-safe formula (already successfully used by thousands of men and women around the world for assessing who's right or wrong for you BEFORE committing to any serious relationship) has been endorsed by Denise Brown. She acknowledges that Beatty's formula could change the way that people look at their relationships forever and might have even saved her sister Nicole Brown Simpson's life.
Beatty is the Sex/Relationship columnist for The Three Tomatoes (www.thethreetomatoes.com/askbeatty.html), an on-line website for women over-50. (See links to her articles below under "The Three Tomatoes"). She is also a regular contributing columnist for FOX Network Health. Also, read Beatty's expert advice in Next Avenue at their website nextavenue.org - 7 Things Never to Say to Your Unmarried Child , and at Huffington Post: Women (huffingtonpost.com) - Rate Your Mate BEFORE It's Too Late: Never Make a Mistake in Love Again!, Is Your Therapist Helping or Harming You?, and Effective Marriage Counseling: A Unique Approach.
Among her many supporters when she lived in Sarasota, was the former Governor Jeb Bush, who appointed Beatty to serve on Florida’s Commission on Marriage and Family Support Initiatives, former Governor Charlie Crist and former First Lady Laura Bush.
Beatty is happy to continue to contribute to all media outlets, including television, radio, print and web as one of the leading psychotherapists in the country specializing in marriage and family therapy and sexual dysfunction. She is a dynamic, knowledgeable and fun woman. Producers and audiences love her energy and style.
Website: www.Beattycohan.com
Email: BeattyCohan.msw@gmail.com
Phone: 941-914-3063